Friday, September 21, 2007

Sorry for the lack of posts lately. I keep on getting worse with this whole thing. I guess things have been busy as of late, but then again when is it not. So I am back with a quick little post before I unfortunately head off to work.

Let's see. I am really try hard to think of all the things I wanted to talk about these last two weeks but everything has slipped my mind at the moment. The Toronto Film Festival has since past without my attendance and not far behind is Chicago International Film Festival in the beginning of October which really is not going to fit into my schedule, which is a shame. Last time we went there (about three or four years) we had a crappy experience (which is strange cause I really enjoy Chicago) and witnessed a not so great film, which we actually walked out of because it was insanely boring and repetitive. I apparently the running time was over 3 hours and we saw about an hour and 30 minutes. Let me tell you I never walk out of films. Maybe once or twice in my whole life of film viewing. So bad experience to say the least. Nonetheless, no trip to the fest this year. Oh well.

My plans this weekend our to catch Eastern Promises and oddly enough Resident Evil: Extinction. I know I have never seen the others and never cared to but this one seems like it has a whole Spaghetti Western/Mad Max/Dust Devil kinda feel to it which is very appealing as is the current tv spots. First in line though is Eastern Promises though. A History of Violence really impressed me 2 years ago (although I know some people did not think the same...yeah I'm talking to you, Bo). I will fill you guys in after my viewing which will most likely be tomorrow sometime.

Also in the next day or two will be a review of the Italian classic, Bellissima.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Alright so it has been awhile but here is another review. Today's dvd comes from the fine folks over at Tartan films and his entitled The Perfect Crime.

In my opinion, director Alex de la Iglesia is a touch sell in the US. I say this because he usually doesn't stick to one particular genre. When he first received international claim it was because of his earlier horror work (which included the amazing Day of the Beast), however, has his film career began to take off he took flight in all sorts of directions still at all times staying close to his strongest love - humor.

The Perfect Crime takes a horrific incident and creative a very funny and heartwarming film. Rafael (played to perfection by Guillermo Toledo) is one hell of a salesmen not to mention a bonafide ladies man. The thing is when it comes time for a promotion he has to best out his rival, Don Antonio, for the job of floor manager. After Don Antonio unfairly wins the postion, a simple spat turned to murder. Rafael hopes to get off clean but discovers that their is one witness to the unfortunate crime. Loudres (performed to the 'T' by actress Monica Cervera) is her name and her unfortunate looks have failed to grab his attention. She decides to blackmail him to cover up the crime and all hell breaks loose with hilarity along for the ride.

What makes The Perfect Crime so entertaining is its acting and how both the actors and the director has a knack for delivering humor in spades. Actors Guillermo Toledo and Monica Cervera bring the right touch of laughs and emotion to make this a fun and fast ride. Director Alex de la Iglesia really shows that he is one of the most inventive and adventurous directors working in Spain today.

Highly recommended for anyone looking for a good laugh and a great time.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

So recently I stumbled upon the coolest thing ever. IFC First Take. Okay so it wasn't just recently. For a while now I have known that IFC started this off shoot which would release films in lmited theaters (aka New York and LA) and on cable the same day. Well not normal cable, just certain cable providers 'on demand; services and Directv. I just didn't follow it all that much and didn't really know anyone had Directv (Nate you should have told me...) until my brother whiched from Dish to Direct a month or so ago.

Flash to Sunday night. Kevin and I watched our first (in a long line) of films on Directv on demand service called 'IFC in Theatres.' You pay just $6.99 and you have yourself a brand new indie/foreign film on your television. Our first viewing was a french film called Dans Paris, which I have been dying to see.
While it wasn't what I had envisioned I still really dug it. I am a big fan on the two leads (Louis Garrel and Roman Duris) and the directed did a great job creating a modern day French New Wave film. I really dug a little singing scene late in the film which would normally seem out of place in any other film but seemed to fit just fine in this one. This also explains why director Christophe Honore chose a musical as his latest film, Les Chansons d'amour (a film I rambled on and on about in May). I think the more I watch it the more I will dig it more. He has it until October 1st (when they apparently erase it from your DVR) so I might take a gander at it in the not so distant future.

Next Up is a film written, directed, and starring Jeff Garlin of Curb Your Enthusiam fame called I Want Someone to Eat Cheese With. It also stars Sarah Silverman and a handful of other cool little actors/comedians and I have heard some really good things about. Also laying in about a week or two is a new horror film called The Last Winter starring Ron Perlman and James LeGros. I heard it is amazing and is very reminiscent of John Carpenter's The Thing. I can't wait! I really wish I had access to this earlier cause I could have watch such awesome films like a recent favorite of mine The Aura, which also aired on IFC in Theatres.' On the other hand, I am glad I have a chance now to catch things in the not so distant future like Hsiao-Hsien Hou's Flight of the Red Balloon and at the same time as LA and New York folk, no less.

Sad news in the music biz for me at least. One of my favorite bands Planes Mistaken For Stars have called it quits. They plan on doing one last tour in the following months with the closest venue being Detroit. Looks like I will have to take a road trip to see them one last time. It's a damn shame. If you recall their latest record, which is absolutely amazing, was one of my favs from last year. At least a some good news is coming out of all this. Singer Gared O'Donnell has two bands in the works - a solo of sorts project entitled Hawks and Doves and a more band like project called Hexes. Let's hope at least one of them rips as hardcore as Planes did. We'll see. Speaking of my favorite bands, my boys from Japan, Envy have both a dvd (Transfovista) and a four track cd ep (Abyssal) hitting Japanese shelves in mid November. Good thing Chiaki and I are hitting Japan for New Years.

Yeah, you heard it right. Chiaki and I are back to Japan (it has been nearly 4 freaking years) at the end of the year for a whopping 16 days. I can not wait. Not only do I get to see my amazing Japanese family but I get to see a amazing beautiful country. We are planning some mini trips like a trek to tokyo for 2 or 3 days and maybe even a trek to Hiroshima to see our friend Miho (depending on where she will be living at at the time). And then there is my favorite thing - shopping. Lets face it. Unless I am shopping for music or films I get bored. American malls. Boring! Outdoor Promenades. Boring! Shopping in Japan. Amazing! I love everything whether it is a 7/11 or a huge Tokyo store. Either way I am in heaven. I am counting the days. I am also getting to meet my other brother in law (the middle child) Makoto who Chiaki herself hasn't seen in over 7 years. Shun-chan (Chiaki's youngest brother) will also be around so I am exciting to hang with him again also. And then there's Japanese New Years. Man will it be awesome. More on this as we begin to plan everything out.

Alright I suppose I will shut up for now. I felt like I should make a nice size post since it has been a few weeks since my last good one. I also have a zillion dvd reviews to do too soon. I don't want to upset anyone so next time return I will have a review or two in hand. Promise (for real, this time!).