Wednesday, August 16, 2006

So okay. its been like 10 years since my last post. I apologize to all three of you. I am actually thinking about buying a domain for a few bucks and making a real website hear in the distant (or not so distant) future. would be cool. The plan is to actually go to the dark side and use myspace as marketing and getting the word out about the site. That is of course if I get off my lazy ass and make a really freakin cool website that I would update daily or every few days. That is the thing about some sites. Don't get me wrong I love alot of great sites but damn they update sometimes every three months if I am lucky. That's what you gotta love about Twitch . The man updates daily. what a kick ass site.

Anyways, I should have updated two weeks ago after viewing The Science of Sleep but I didn't lazyness is to blame.

Man, what a killer film. I loved it. Best film I saw this year (okay, maybe a tie with Kamikaze Girls). It is such a beautiful and entertaining film. I would be pointless to try to explain the plot or even the point of the film because its not about that. Just please just see the film when you get a chance. Its a film of beauty about love and happiness and sadness and anger. Its everything and nothing. Just do yourself a favor and see it. I will warn you though, some may just not get it. If you have ever seen a music video by Michel Gondry then you will honestly have a better understanding of his visuals in this film. His vision has finally come full blown. It is one of his videos come to life more than anything he has done previously. I explained to some one the other day that Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind will seem straightforward and normal compared to how abstract he goes with this film. But that is truly the genius of him as a filmmaker and more importantly the beauty of the film. That is all I will say.

Also caught World Trade Center over the past weekend. Good stuff. Very moving. Nothing negative really to say. Was pretty much what I thought it would be. Will I watch it again? Probably not. Am I glad I saw it? Definitely. Oliver Stone has got some points back in my opinion. I was starting to worry about 'em.

It only a matter of days (alright maybe like 60 days..but still) before Babel hits theaters and I am dying to see it. After finally seeing a full length trailer of the film I have to say I will continue to tell people that it is going to be the film to beat this year in my opinion. I am already predicting it to be my film of the year. I really hope it gets some recognition this year at the Academy Awards cause it looks absolutely amazing. Please check out the trailer, when you get a chance by clicking on the picture below.

Well, I guess that is good for now. I will write more tommorrow, I promise. My computer has a bad CPU fan it it shuts off from time to time so I don't want to push my limit.

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