Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Do you ever have one of those days where you just feel shitty. Today's one of those days. Suffice to say, I am here for all 4 of you guys to read.

By the end of tonight a few good things did cone out of the day. I did get a response back from director Stephane Gauger about a screener copy of his film The Owl and the Sparrow. Gauger is a Vietnamese-American filmmaker whose first film is currently make the rounds on the film festival circuit. I will review the film and interview him for my current gig over at the wonderful KFC Cinema. I am pretty excited about that.

I also was in a bit of a shock just minutes ago as I lay on the couch watching television. As the commercials were rolling, Shia LaBeouf came on the screen. Now let me tell you. I think this kid is pretty cool. I really which the rumor was true about him playing the son of Indiana Jones in the new film (unfortunately the information is false). Now back to the commercial. I assumed that as soon as I started watching the television spot I figured it was an advertisement for his latest film Distrubia, which oddly enough looks quite interesting. I continued to watch the trailer and to my surprise the car he had just bought comes to life and starts chasing people! What the hell is going on I thought to myself!? Then it hit me. It was actually a spot for this summer's Transformers. That darn Michael Bay tricked me again. Do I want to see this film? No not really never was a big fan of the toy line, honestly I think I instead was a bigger "Gobots" fan. But I figured it was a pretty funny story so I thought I would bring it up.

Is anyone else out there dying to see Grindhouse. Man, I sure as hell am. Three more days. I will try to report back before them and write a more legitimate blog entry cause man was this one lame. Until then...

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