Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Look at this, back the next day. Imagine that.

I forgot to mention the coolness that is Cinema Wasteland I attended on Saturday. As always it was a good time. Always a fun time seeing b-movie celebs that mean so much to a select group of people like myself and so little to the rest of the world. Good times.

One of the highlights was that Camille Keaton of What Have They Done to Solange? and I Spit on your Grave. Pretty damn cool. We were a little sadden when we went to talk to her and she didn't even know what Suspiria was (my buddy Aaron was wearing a Suspiria shirt). Nonetheless Aaron got an autographed picture and also picked up a copy of the UK dvd release of Severance. What a killer flick. Speaking of which, you all must see it when it comes out here in a few months. I myself ended up picking up a Alain Delon film from Xploited Cinema, a killer dvd distro out of Cleveland. The film is called The Sicilian Clan and also costars Jean Gabin and the great Lino Ventura. Top that off with a score by score by Ennio Morricone and you can't really pass that up. I can't wait to watch it.

Also got a chance to talk to the fine folks over at Synapse Films , who are based out of Michigan. If you read this blog often, you know how big of fan of theirs I am. Talked to Jerry Chandler, one of the co-owners of the company, and he's one hell of a guy. Don May Jr, the other half of Synapse Films, is known for his amazing film restorations and has recently remastered the classic that is Texas Chainsaw Massacre (the cool one in the collector's tin). I believe, if my memory serves me correct, they were also working on restoring the first Halloween film after getting their hands on the original negatives, which even contained some unseen footage. Pretty damn awesome. They have some killer upcoming releases which I plan on promoting the hell out of in the not so distant future.

So has anyone else heard the horrible news that the director of The Last Castle and The Contender is planning on a remake of Peckinpah's Straw Dogs. What the hell is that shit. Seriously. Something is wrong with that. No one should ever touch this masterpiece.

Well I am off for now, but do yourself a favor and check out the new Die Hard trailer. I am a big fan of the series and I think this one looks pretty damn cool. May be up there with the first one if the film lives up to the trailer. I just figured it would be a piece of crap since it was directed by the guy who made Underworld and its craptastic sequel. I guess I might be wrong. Check it out.

On a final note, I just found out Bob Clark, the director of everyone's favorite A Christmas Story, the horror classic Black Christmas (the original of course), not to mention Porky's, was killed in a car crash by a drunk driver (who also had no driver's license). It was said that Clark's 22-year old son also died in the collision. Man, so depressing. Rest in peace, Bob.

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