Friday, September 21, 2007

Sorry for the lack of posts lately. I keep on getting worse with this whole thing. I guess things have been busy as of late, but then again when is it not. So I am back with a quick little post before I unfortunately head off to work.

Let's see. I am really try hard to think of all the things I wanted to talk about these last two weeks but everything has slipped my mind at the moment. The Toronto Film Festival has since past without my attendance and not far behind is Chicago International Film Festival in the beginning of October which really is not going to fit into my schedule, which is a shame. Last time we went there (about three or four years) we had a crappy experience (which is strange cause I really enjoy Chicago) and witnessed a not so great film, which we actually walked out of because it was insanely boring and repetitive. I apparently the running time was over 3 hours and we saw about an hour and 30 minutes. Let me tell you I never walk out of films. Maybe once or twice in my whole life of film viewing. So bad experience to say the least. Nonetheless, no trip to the fest this year. Oh well.

My plans this weekend our to catch Eastern Promises and oddly enough Resident Evil: Extinction. I know I have never seen the others and never cared to but this one seems like it has a whole Spaghetti Western/Mad Max/Dust Devil kinda feel to it which is very appealing as is the current tv spots. First in line though is Eastern Promises though. A History of Violence really impressed me 2 years ago (although I know some people did not think the same...yeah I'm talking to you, Bo). I will fill you guys in after my viewing which will most likely be tomorrow sometime.

Also in the next day or two will be a review of the Italian classic, Bellissima.

1 comment:

DanielLee said...

Dude, I feel you on the updates. I have every intention of posting more, but I get sidetracked easily.

If you post more, maybe I will! ;)