Monday, October 01, 2007

Alright with further ado, here is my review of Eureka! Entertainment's newly released dvd of Bellissima. Hope you take a minute to read it.

I must admit it – I have never seen a Luchino Visconti film until now. The man is responsible for a lot of well respective films of Italian cinema such as Le Notti Bianche, The Leopard, Rocco and His Brothers, and Death in Venice. The great UK based company Eureka! Entertainment was smart enough to release Visconti’s third feature film Bellissima through their amazing Masters of Cinema line (think a UK version of Criterion Collection) and I am none the prouder.

Bellissima is really a charming and enduring film. An obsessed mother wants nothing but the best for her child who she believes to be a bonafide star. A big time film director is in town auditioning children for his latest feature film and what better to make her daughter the new sensation.

At first I was a bit annoyed by Anna Magnani’s performance of the anxious mother Maddalena and her aspirations to make her daughter a shining star, the pearl among these sea shells. However, the more the film goes along the more you realize how real this character truly is. Yeah at times she pushy and seems a little stuck up among the other mothers and those around her attempting to shoot down her hopes and dreams. As the film progress, however, you really see her strengths and weakness and her true inter beauty really shines through. By films end, I was highly impressed with Magnani acting and honestly cared for her character. I should also note that Tina Apicella as her daughter Maria is so adorable that she steals nearly every scene from the rest of the cast just through her charm.

The film’s end will break you down emotionally and, in my opinion, perfectly embodies what showbiz and fame is really about. If you have a love for the Italian film industry or international cinema for that matter you should really check this film out. You wont be disappointed.

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