Friday, March 31, 2006

Hell has apparently frozen over cause one of the best distribution companies is back from the dead. Fantoma, one of the best new (well, as far as the last 5 years) dvd companies, has gotten their asses in gear and are up and running again. They had not updated their site in almost a year and had even started a sale on all their films. I figured they were a goner. So their next release is going to be a Rainer Werner Fassbinder film called Why does Herr R. Run Amok? on May 30th. After that comes a Samuel Fuller film entitled Dead Pigeon on Beethoven Street, a film I have been waiting for them to release for over a year now. This is great news. They claim they will have regular updates now and will have a new slate of film release very soon. Let's hope their right. Who knows, maybe they will finally release the two Yasuzo Masumura titles, Red Angel and Black Test Car, that Film comment claimed they were supposed to release 3 years ago. Okay, maybe I am pushing it. Also, if you really want to know more about the people who started Fantoma check out this cool little article.

I am heading off to Cleveland tomorrow to check out the first Cinema Wasteland of the year. If you don't know what it is, I will gladly tell you. Its a convention for us horror film dorks. It's a whole alot fun actually. Last year Sid Haig was their among other horror film guests, while this year hosts some more greats from the genre. Alright maybe not any great this year but still some interesting one, including Priscilla Barnes, of all people (actually its because this year hosts the victims of The Devil's Rejects while last year was home of the killers of the film). Another person this year that is pretty damn blog worthy is the one and only Kane Hodder (the best Jason to ever wear the hockey mask in the Friday the 13th flicks). He also oddly enough was the stunt co-ordinator for The Devil's Rejects. Now isn't that a great coincidence. I must finally give a shout out to Lloyd Kaufman, the head of Troma Entertainment, who will also be attending the convention (and the reason why my brother, Kevin, is planning on going).

On a final note, Chiaki and I saw Cache last night at Canton Palace Theater. It was a great film out of France, that everyone should check out. I will give you all more information about it soon.

I will report back tomorrow sometime, I promise. I know its been almost a week since my last post but I want to put all you naysayers to rest ( yeah you, Nate!) and promise to update the site more. Until then.

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